Reporter is able to create request but unable to view request in customer portal

Sharda Gupta October 2, 2019


I have 2 projects both with issue security setup. lets call as Project A and project B.

First scenario, user is part of customer ONLY for project A-> able to raise and view tickets in portal being customer.

Second scenario, user is now part of (agent to project B) but remains customer of project A with security applied on the project B. Now user is able to create issue but unable to VIEW  issue.

Third Scenario, removed all security levels from project B assuming that might causing an issue, but user is still UNABLE to view issue in customer portal.


Kindly suggest what am I missing. User is reporter.


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Tessa Tuteleers
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October 3, 2019

Good afternoon Garda, 

A bit hard to figure out with this information. Are your permissions role or group based or on user level? 

In any case permissions on one project should in no way interfere with permissions on another project so would it be possible to share a (redacted) screenshot of the 2 permission schemes (browse part should be enough) and the roles of the user in said projects? 

Do you have any automations in place for users with Service Desk licences that clear the Customer request type or anything? 

Sharda Gupta October 4, 2019

Thank you for your reply Tessa.

--Yes, we are group based on permission level and groups are entirely separated being managed in crowd.

--It is not due to security level bez same issue reported with another project as well which has no issue level security.

Project A and B has same set of customer permission.

Project A has no issue security levels where as project B has security levels defined but my analysis is its not related to Issue security at all. 

Attached is the doc with requested info..SUP-ProjectA-automation.pngSUP-ProjectA-Customer permission.pngSUP-ProjectA-project permission.pngSUP-ProjectA-Projectautomation.pngSUP-ProjectB-project permission1.pngSUP-ProjectB-project permission2.png

Sharda Gupta November 15, 2019

Deleting cache resolved this issue.

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