Is there a way to change the "Contact us about" text in the JSD text?

Nick RK January 23, 2019

The "Contact us about" wording in the Customer portal (above the drop-down menu) is a little awkward with the way we're drafting our Request Groups. Is there any way to customize that text?

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Nick RK January 23, 2019

Thanks for the answer, Kian! I'll look into that.

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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January 23, 2019


That particular wording is locked in there with the base functionality as far as I can tell. 

 If you aren't happy with the customization offered by Jira Service Desk, there are options out there for additional formatting. 

This is one that I came across when searching. It looks like you might be able to accomplish what you are looking for with this plugin.




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