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Is it possible to pre-populate email field in the widget?

Albert Frischmann September 19, 2020


I am intending to use the widget on my SaaS page. However, there is some information I need from my customers to set the right context. 

For instance, I have already their email since they are logged in. Can I pre-populate their mail into the email edit box?

Also I would populate some hidden fields with say their plan. Is there a possibility?

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 21, 2020

Hello Albert,

Thank you for reaching out to Atlassian Community!

When using the widget, currently, it's not possible to pre-populate fields. I understand that you would like their email to be automatically added to the field, but this functionality is not supported, they will have to type their email address.

There is a feature request suggesting the implementation of this ability:

Please, click on vote and watch to receive updates about the feature.

Regarding the custom fields, when hiding fields from the request form, it's necessary to add a default value.  

If you have any other questions regarding this matter, please let us know.


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