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Martyn Bell July 21, 2020

Hi All, 

please see images of my objects listed below.


When creating a NANO object, how can i select a Sim number attribute, then either auto populate with that SIM card objects data number.

or make the drop down box only show the one data number reference?


nano obj.JPGsimcard obj.JPG

2 answers

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Martyn Bell July 23, 2020

With Thanks To @Hakan Bahadir  I can now provide a solution to this issue.


We currently cannot filter a second attribute as I described in my problem above.

This is because  when you link an object, only the label attribute is linked.


The Workaround Hakan suggested is as follows.


Rather then linking two attributes, we combined them into a single field using the object automation upon creation of the object.


Steps to follow.

1. Click Object Schema and then configure.

2. Click Automation and then click create new rule


Enter your name and description.

Under when:

click Add a trigger and in my case i selected "object created"


Under IF:

Click add a condition and reference the object type you are combining attributes for, in my case i used objectType = "SIM CARD".


Under Then:

From the drop down Click "Attribute Value" and then enter the name of the attribute you are updating, in my case i entered Sim Name.

Then in value enter using place holders the attributes you want to combine, i used a "-" so they display as separated with a "-" This is what i entered. ${Sim Number} - ${Data Number}.


In the top right "Triggered rule will run as" drop down, search for yourself and then click save.


Now whenever a Sim card is created. Whatever i enter in the Sim number and Data Number fields will overwrite anything in Sim Name field.

essentially giving me the below:

Sim Name = "(Sim Number) - (Data Number)"


Thanks again to @Hakan Bahadir for helping me out

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Hakan Bahadir July 22, 2020

Hello Martyn,

There are different ways to implement your requirement. I see that you have a few more questions in addition to this one. Would you like to review you configuration together? 

I am sharing my schedule below. Please feel free to select the best time for you.

Best Regards,

Hakan Bahadir
Solution Architect

Mindville Team

Martyn Bell July 22, 2020

Hi Hakan,

This would be great thank you.

I'm almost there with what I need to do, I just need a little assistance to complete it :-) 

Thanks for your time tomorrow 


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