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Email processing creates tickets with incorrect reporter email.

Fernando November 27, 2019

The last couple of emails are being created with the incorrect reported email address.

Instead of picking the address in the from line, it is using the to: address. 

This created a delay in us getting back to the customer because when we replied with a comment from within the ticket, the email was sent to our own address.

Our setup is via GSuite. We created a Google Group with our email and then added the support@atlassian email as a member so that all emails are delivered to Atlassian as well. We did this precisely to avoid this issue we are reporting.

2 answers

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Yogita Karangula July 7, 2021

Hi I am not suggesting the answer but I am posting my problem in service desk project.

I see wrong reporter after I created a request to our service team. Here is the background information.

I created a request without logging in to the service desk application.

I entered the email address of one of my service team guy's.

Mail went to him but the reporter is not on my address it is created with his address.


I am an admin for service desk project. But I removed the configurations of default email address of mine.

0 votes
Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 28, 2019

Hi Fernando,

Thank you for reaching out to Community!

Using Google Groups as the mail handler for a Service Desk project is not currently supported, because Jira doesn't recognize correctly who is sending the email. When it happens, the header of the emails shows that the user sent an email using the support email instead of their real email, so both From and To were the same.

When using an email on Jira, it’s important that this address is not accessible by anyone, it must be exclusive for service desk to avoid this type of issue.

We have a feature request suggesting the implementation of the ability to use Google Group:

Please, click on vote and watch to receive updates about the feature.


Fernando November 28, 2019

Thank you. It is confusing because when i set it up, tickets would be created correctly using the email from the original sender.

i have evidence to share about it if needed.

This functionality was one key factor for us to move from Zendesk to Jira. 

is there any documentation stating that you do not support google groups?

Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 2, 2019

Google Groups is not an actual email address, that's why it's not supported.

This information was not added to the documentation, only as a feature request.

The users that create tickets must make sure they are sending emails using the correct email address. As mentioned, when this issue happens the header will show that the user is sending the email using the support address instead of their real email, so the From e To is the same, which will not recognize the correct reporter.

Fernando December 2, 2019

Thank you! I understand it is nor supported. My question was aiming to get details as of how or why it was working before. Do you happen to know why?

Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 4, 2019

Maybe it was due to some configuration on the mail client because Jira will always add the address on FROM as the reporter and TO or CC will be added as participants. 

Would it be possible to share with us the header of one of the emails that created a ticket with the incorrect reporter? Just make sure to replace your domain with other information, since it will be public here.

Fernando December 4, 2019

Thanks for your follow up.

So, as an update, the tickets are now back to normal and are being created with the correct reporter email address.

I cannot share a header because, just like you said, a Google Group email address is not an actual mailbox address that keeps the incoming emails. Instead, it distributes them to the members of the group, one of them being our project's email support@ENTERCOMPANYNAME.atlassian.net

The attached image shows the email log in my project. You can see how prior to Nov 25 and after Nov 26th the from address is being captured correctly, even when those emails went through our google group's distribution process.

email log.PNG

Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 6, 2019

Thank you for the details, Fernando. I’m glad that it’s working.

Did you change any configuration on Google side?

If the issue happens again, then we can create a ticket with our support because we can see the email header in the database, but to access it, it’s necessary a ticket.

Jason Clark November 19, 2020

Did anyone figure out what this issue was?

We currently have the same problem with some of our clients.

Rob Smithers August 12, 2021

I'm having the exact same problem: It has been working since we set it up a year or so ago. This week, JSM started listing our Google Group address as the reporter for all e-mailed tickets instead of the actual sender it has been showing.

Hopefully, it will revert like @Fernando's did. :-(

Or, maybe Jira could straighten out the problem. :-/

Deleted user August 12, 2021

Mine is so messed up, Instead of having an auto reply of IT. It shows Andrew Vasquez added you as a contact. It then list the CIO of the company we support as one of our primary emails... WHAT??? I was going to paste a photo.. but luckily you cant. 

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