Add KB article or link to KB Article in Service Desk directly into reply to customer's request

Ines Büntig
June 2, 2020

We linked our Service Desk with Confluence space and customers are able to look for relevant articles (created in Confluence) within the Service Desk customer portal itself.

Recently we detected that when including a link to a KB article based in Confluence directly into the reply to customer out of Service Desk project, the link refers to Confluence instead to the KB article view in Service Desk. (ex:  https://* instead of the Service Desk Link: https://*

This means that customer needs to log-in to Confluence in order to see the article but they are not able to login as they don't have a Confluence license/Confluence account.

Is there a way to include the link to the KB article view in Service Desk directly when answering to a customer's request out of Jira Service Desk or to grant customers without a Confluence license access to the KB article in Confluence?

We have cloud version for JSD and Confluence.

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 3, 2020

Hello Ines,

Thank you for reaching out to Atlassian Community!

Just to make sure that we are on the same page, I would like to confirm if you are sharing the KB article directly from the ticket. 

To be more clear, please check the gif below where I tested on my local site. It~s the same result if I use a classic or next-gen project.

Screen Recording 2020-06-03 at 05.00 PM.gif

Please, share with us the steps you are following so we can try to replicate here.


Ines Büntig
June 4, 2020

Hi Angélica,

Thanks for your reply.

In the meantime I realized that I added the link by clicking on the general icon "Link" (Ctrl+K) and searched for the KB article. This will generate the Confluence link.

If I do it your way than the service desk link is copied instead of the Confluence link which is perfect.



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