For the Delivery field, currently we can show the tickets as issue count or story points. We use time to estimates.
Would it be possible to get the time? it would be nice to look at the amount of working done, missing and in progress, not only the number of tickets.
One of the defaults fields for ideas is Delivery Progress or Delivery Status. If you link it to a Jira ticket (particularly an Epic), you see the amount work to do, in progress and one.
Right now we can show it as Issue count.
but our developers use time estimates for each tickets instead of points. So it would be nice if Delivery Progress gave the option to show time estimates.
In the backlog view of Jira it already shows the amount of time on each category.
Hi @Eduardo Calvillo ,
Thank you for the clarification. I'll share this feedback internally with engineering and product.
In the meantime, you should be able to map the Original Estimate back to a JPD field using an automation as I previously mentioned!
Although the Original Estimate field does not appear selectable in some components, it seems like it's directly related to the Time Tracking field after some testing.
With the automation below, I'm able to map the Original Estimate time back to a JPD number field:
1) WHEN: Value changes
2) BRANCH: rule / related issues
3) THEN: Edit issue
^ Again, this calculates the Original Estimate field in hours, but you can adjust the "3600" to account for days, minutes, etc.
^ My Jira "days" are equal to 8 hours, which is why the delivery displays 2d, and 16 (hours) on the idea.
Hope that helps!
Hi @Nick Haller
It seems @Eduardo Calvillo was asking why the "delivery tickets" progress indicator does not have 3 options, rather than re-computing the estimation total in a custom field:
I recall some earlier posts on this need for JPD which Atlassian team members responded to, but I cannot find them.
Also, using an automation rule to perform this type of rollup may not be an option for customers with lower license levels due to the number of rule executions required to perform the summation...and the possibility of exceeding the number of issues a branch can process in a rule.
Kind regards,
Hello @Eduardo Calvillo I'm a PM for Jira Product Discovery.
You're correct @Bill Sheboy we've had this suggestion in the past - today it's not possible to visualize the delivery progress using time estimates, and while it's not on the roadmap at the moment, it is in our Jira Product Discovery project as a potential improvement rgarding delivery progress.
@Nick Haller suggestion is a great workaround, but then I would modify the trigger to "scheduled" to only few times a week (maybe after scrum rituals where you add and reevaluate these estimates, to make sure this rule isn't consuming too many executions.
Best Regards,
Product Manager @ Jira Product Discovery