Setting up JPD while already active with Atlas

Jason Tatum
May 22, 2024

I'm working backwards a bit - our company has used Jira for a few years and last year we implemented Atlas for delivery updates and context. 

I'm now in the process of building out global and team by team roadmaps over in JPD and am intrigued by the Atlas integration. I am really impressed with Atlas and now JPD - the EPD folks at Atlassian are doing great things. 

Some things - 

  1. Ideally each team would have a project in JPD and there would be a way to rollup views of all team roadmaps rather than building it all out in one project. That would give each team more autonomy and cleanliness without sacrificing a global view. 
  2. Can I make an Atlas project from an Idea in JPD? 
  3. Can I sync up Atlas goals to goals in JPD? 


I'll be back with more questions but responses to these would be very helpful. 




Michael Seguin
May 22, 2024

Hi Jason. A few things.

  • Teams do not currently sync from other modules into JPD - I am told this is coming soon.
  • You cannot currently make an Atlas project from JPD to my knowledge... You can make an epic, found under 'delivery ticket' - and of course you can add a link to it, but there is not really any connective tissue between JPD and Atlas visible at the moment. I have requested future enhancements along these lines as automations for JPD custom workflow transitons, see here (*O:community*I:social_share*)
  • Can goals sync between Atlas and JPD? See above. I have not seen it yet, but I suspect that now that Atlas is more in the fold so to speak that it is coming. I have not yet run across the concept of 'Goals' in JPD - the way I view the paradigm is 'ideas' are goals in incubation.

    Not sure if these visualizations help, but this is my evolving thought process as someone currently implementing both Atlas and JPD, aka The Disco.

    Hope some of that helps a little.
Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2024

The solutions are quite flexible, but our recommendation for this is more like:

  • Atlas Goal
    • JPD Idea
      • Atlas project
      • JSW Delivery ticket (epic)
        • story
          • task
          • subtask

I quite liked this image from this LinkedIn post


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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2024

Hi @Jason Tatum you should be able to do this in JPD. 

We do have an integration with Atlas, it's still in early access (but not for much longer, we're productizing it and it should be done in the next month or so) - you can see a demo here and ask for access there (2nd video in the post)

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