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Jira Product Discovery Automation Limits and Basic Functionality Limitations

Mike Gargano November 14, 2023

So this topic has become relevant as Atlassian has changed the automation package billing model for Jira Cloud.

JPD (Jira Product Discovery) has a limit of 500 Automations on Standard Plan, and currently I use automations to bridge the gaps of basic functionality limitations in JPD vs JS (Jira Software). It's important to note that to my knowledge currently there is no plan in Jira Product Discovery that supports more than 500 automations per month.

For Example: 

  • The Formula Fields in JPD do not support advance mathematical expressions like Jira Smart Values in JS. You're limited to very basic Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division as per custom formulas in JPD
    • This prevents me from using functionality like MAX({Field_1},{Field_2})
      • I use this to determine the Max Value between an estimate of Story Points from my product team, and the actual story point costing from my engineers Which I use to measure the effort of idea when generating a priority score in JPD.
    • I was able to solve this by using Jira Automation since JPD custom formulas lacks the functionality. 
      • I have an automation that creates a variable using {{#=}}Max({{field_1}},{{field_2}}){{/}} as the smart value that runs whenever the value for field_1 or field_2 is changed. and edits a number field on the idea ticket with the result from the mathematical expression.
        • This runs quite regularly, over 246 times in about 15 days. That's half of my 500 automation limit in JPD.
  • Lack of custom weighting for fields in JPD. Right now in JPD you can assign a weight on a scale of 1-5 using dots and then reference that weighting when using a formula field. 
    • However for Impact we use a scale of:
      • Lowest (1)
      • Very Low (2)
      • Low (3)
      • Medium (5)
      • High (8)
      • Very High (13)
      • Highest (21)
    • Obviously 5 is probably fine for most business, but I would consider us power users of priority scoring, and so we like having a larger scale for measuring impact. 
      • Since we're unable to set custom weighting in JPD, I solved this once again leveraging Jira Automation. 
        • I Have an automation that runs whenever an impact drop down field is changed in JPD, and the automation just edits a number field with the weighting that I want based on the selected impact. Then I use this number field as part of the custom formula field for priority score. This allows me to use custom weighting without being blocked by the limited functionality in JPD.
          • I have 2 automations like this generating different custom weighting for scores. 
            • One is at 105 uses in about 15 days, the other is at 31 uses over 15 days. That is more than 1/4 of my 500 automation limit in JPD.

Note: I already sent in a support ticket with my concerns, however, I wanted to also bubble up my concerns here in the community as I would say that the 500 automation limit in JPD is kind of ludicrous considering that the product just came out of Beta and there are still MASSIVE gaps in basic functionality that can only be bridged by leveraging Jira Software's powerful automations system.


Giulia Luzzi
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November 15, 2023

Can you link the support ticket so I can add a vote to it too please?

Michal Vit November 16, 2023

@Mike Gargano I know this does not address your automation limitations, just a hint regarding your 2nd mentioned example - you can do custom weighting for select fields:


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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 16, 2023

Hi @Mike Gargano , 

Today the limits for Automations in the standard plan are not strictly enforced since we don't yet have a premium plan. Also, the current limit of 500 was calculated based on current usage of the feature (only 4 customers had more). But when we launch a premium edition we'll revisit this. In the meantime, if you worry you'll hit limits please let us know and we can lift it up for you. (in your case, I've just asked the team to do so)

On your 2 use cases: thanks a lot! 

  • For your first one: yep, we need to add extra capabilities to formulas to support that
  • For your second one: it's already possible today as @Michal Vit showed below - we've added the ability to define custom weights a while back (so you're not limited to 1-5 anymore)
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Mike Gargano November 22, 2023

Awesome news! thanks @Tanguy Crusson I look forward to the future of Jira Product Discovery that I know you and your team are hard at work on 💪


Also thank you @Michal Vit and @Tanguy Crusson I look forward to updating my JPD project to take advantage of the new custom weighting functionality!! 🍻

Gilad Waldman August 13, 2024

+1 here... We started adopting JPD and build a set of automation around it to make our PMs happy and productive (After transforming them from Productboard).

We encountered the same issue with automation usage limit and we cannot upgrade from standard plan as there are no other options available. 

This is time sensitive as we build the trust between the Product team and JPD platform.


Thanks for all you guys are doing in the background! 

@Tanguy Crusson 

Jason McDermott September 11, 2024

@Tanguy Crusson could you please also increase the JPD automation limit for my account?


My use case is 

  • capture pain points in JPD
  • estimate their reach (number field) and impact (1-5 rating field)
  • calculate a score by multiplying these together
  • sort items according to the score (highest to lowest)
  • show only the top 10 items for stakeholder review (in a confluence page)


JPD calculated fields don't work for this use case, since they appear blank in JQL.

As a work-around, I am using Jira Automation to calculate the score and put it into a number field, which is visible via JQL. It actually works perfectly for my situation, except we have exceeded our limit of 500 automations.

If you could increase our limit, it will be very helpful. 


If you can make calculated fields visible in JQL, it will also be very helpful ;)


Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 18, 2024


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Jason McDermott September 18, 2024

Wow, thank you @Tanguy Crusson


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