One view for Product Discovery and a Software Project

Ashleigh Hamilton December 2, 2024

We just started using Product Discovery to intake customer enhancement requests. As part of this process, a specific engineering team is responsible for scoping out the work and determining the level of effort before it is approved for development. Once approved, they will then begin development work. The problem I am running into is that the engineering team does not want to work out of two different projects.

Current Process: I have to duplicate the discovery ticket and add it as a sub-task to a parent task called 'Triage Tickets" on the Software board. I then have to manage both tickets, which is inefficient and unnecessary. 

I have created a view that shows the delivery tickets associated with the ideas, but this view has been rejected by engineering because I cannot show who is assigned to those delivery tickets. 

Is there a way to create a comprehensive view of a Discovery and a Software Project? 

3 answers

1 vote
Jens Schumacher - Released_so
Community Leader
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December 2, 2024

Hi @Ashleigh Hamilton 

A couple observations and recommendations. 

Duplicating tickets

Duplicating tickets is rarely a good idea. In this case it allows the engineers to work out of one project, but it creates a lot of overhead for you and others. Is that worth it? Is going accessing a separate project really that much of a burden? 


Estimation at this level should be a collaborative process between product management and engineering. Unlike estimation during spring planning, this should be extremely high level. Estimation requires a detailed understanding of not only the idea, but also the potential solution. 

There is no need for detailed estimation until the work actually starts. Even than detailed estimation can be questionable.


Ashleigh Hamilton December 3, 2024

I agree with all your points.

0 votes
Amina Bouabdallah
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 3, 2024

Hi there! thanks for reaching out.

What do you think of

  1. having a dedicated JPD project to receive all incoming tickets
  2. creating an epic for a corresponding idea that engineering works on
  3. marking the epics coming from idea intake with a specific label
  4. showing in a Jira Board all epics with the specific label?
  5. keeping track in JPD of the status of ideas to denote if an idea was selected or discarded + delivery progress for those ideas that were selected for development


Hope this helps!


Ashleigh Hamilton December 4, 2024

I appreciate the suggestion, but creating the epic still adds the extra step I am trying to remove. 

0 votes
Atlassian Partner
December 2, 2024

Hi @Ashleigh Hamilton , welcome to the community!

To manage multiple projects in one view, I recommend you add them to a program using our app TeamBoard ProScheduler. It allows you to manage unlimited project types. Then, your team can work across projects in one place, and display who is assigned to which project (you can also customize the color scheme by project, assignee, status,... to visualize better). See the example below:


CleanShot 2024-12-03 at 11.44.28@2x.png





If you are interested in this, please feel free to reach out at


I hope this helps!

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