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How to add more than just the epic?

Shawn Giese January 12, 2024

I can deliver an idea as either a standalone epic or standalone story. How can I add either an epic with issues to work on or even just a story into an existing epic? I thought I could prepare my epic in product discovery, including issues where work is done. 

When I tried to add a delivery into an existing epic, it just added a link back to the idea but not an actual issue in the epic where work could be done.

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Carlos Garcia Navarro
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January 14, 2024

Hi @Shawn Giese , 

I'm not sure I understand, could you please elaborate with more details? You can add a number of epics or stories to the idea in JPD. But if you want to add a story to an existing epic, you would have to do that from Jira.

Shawn Giese January 15, 2024

Exactly, I wanted to push ideas into an existing Epic. As it is now... I push one idea as an epic, then I push remaining ideas as stories. Then I log into Jira and manually pull the stories into the epic. 

I had not realized that Product Discovery did not support hierarchies and so it is not possible to push a group of ideas together (like an epic with assigned tasks).

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Adam Wencel January 14, 2024

I may have this on my radar eventually @Shawn Giese .  Can you provide a few visual examples of this?  Either from the platform itself or something scratched in notepad.

I want to understand if this aligns with something I'm doing soon.

Shawn Giese January 15, 2024

I just made a quick demo. I was hoping to push a parent / child like relationship for work (so I could plan everything in Product Discovery). Without hierarchy, I push each idea out to Jira and then log in to Jira to assemble the pieces.

I thought that maybe "Add a delivery ticket" could at least allow me to target the Epic to add work, but it only adds a link back to the idea, not an actual work ticket.


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