Thanks @Hermance NDounga This is what I had tried initially, but it led to the automation not being triggered because one of the issues that was linked wasn't in the status that I had specified. π€
I'm trying to implement the automation to transition an idea to done when it's linked to 2 or more Epics and I can't work around the query. When I pasted the condition it returned an error.
If I try to break it down:
issuelinktype != empty ==> ok, means that the issue that was transitioned to done has at least one linked issue to it.
issuetype = Epic ==> clear, I'm looking for Epics only
linked issue match > type: relates to ==> that search text returns an error. I'm able to replace it with issuelinktype = 'related to' ==> the Epic has a linked issue of that type
> match: statusCategory = "Done" ==> I know what I'm looking for - validate that the linked issue of type related to is Done, but that query doesn't work and I don't know how to replace it.
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January 8, 2024 edited
@Dana Weinbaum unfortunately the reason it works or not can be multiple just from top of my head I can think of team-managed projects vs company managed projects, custom issue types in you JSW projects, or even conditions on your workflows statuses. Could you please open a support ticket so our support engineers can take a look at the logs in your rule (if you can mention specifically which projects and which rule it would be awesome ->
@Hermance NDounga - it appears that this rule can no longer be used because the Idea is no longer a linked issue?.....just asking because I cannot get the rule to work.
Transition an Idea to Done when the Epic is Done π
Am I going crazy or is this information severely outdated?
I looked for Link Type "Polaris issue link" but I simply don't see that as an option.
If this information is simply outdated, is there any chance we can get an updated demo video for updating fields on the destination Epic ticket in a Jira project when created through the Delivery tab of a JPD idea?
When I watch the demo video, I can't make it past the Linked Issues portion because there is no "Polaris issue link" option. However, I do see a new "Idea for" option that doesn't display in the demo video. Unfortunately, it's not a direct 1:1 replacement, so I'm missing something here.
I feel like this is extremely valuable information and many people would want to be able to populate the Epic created with details from the JPD idea of origin.