JIra service desk member is not able to assign the Tickets to Jira core member? please help

Alok gupta
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February 7, 2017

Jira service desk member is not able to assign the Tickets to Jira core member? please help. I have provided assiCapture.JPG

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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February 7, 2017

Yes, that's correct.  A JIRA Core user is not a Service Desk Agent, so they can't be assigned SD requests.  It's the Agents who deal with issues in a Service Desk project.

You can involve non-agents as participants though, and if it leads to tasks for developers/Core users, use the "create linked issue" option to create something in their projects for them to deal with.

There is one big hole in Service Desk permissions for me though - when I get asked to help out on an SD request, I might spend half an hour on it.  It's still the Agent dealing with it, so I don't want to be assigned to it, but I do want to log time...

Alok gupta
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 7, 2017

Dear Nic, how can i  involve non-agents as participants?


Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 7, 2017

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