Hi All,
I got requirement like Create Two fields namely
1. Release notes needed (check box) values-- YES & No
2. Release notes (Text field)
Here my requirement is the ' Release notes needed mandatory field so while creating the ticket when I select Release notes needed vales is NO, the other field Release notes Needs to be hidden, If I select Release notes needed vales is Yes, the other field Release notes Needs to be visible as mandatory filed.
Please guide me with this requirement.
Thanks in advance
Hi Vikrant, Thanks for your reply,
If possible, Can you please provide me with the script for this requirement?
Hi @Srinivas You can check the similar post for script :-
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.option.Option
def RE = getFieldById("customfield_14200")//put checkbox field id
def SF = getFieldById("customfield_14217") // put second field id
def options = RE.getValue()
//Single option selected
if(options instanceof String){
//Multiple options
else if(options instanceof List<Option> ){
if(options.contains("Prod") || options.contains("Stage") ){
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