Managing different teams with different projects

Yarden Cohen January 28, 2020


In my organization I manage an embedded project developed by about 6 teams.
The teams divide to:

  • Hardware
  • Firmware
  • Software

Each team has it's own team board, comprised of a few JIRA projects that the team works on- I will call them components for this discussion.

Some of the "components" are directly related to the product, and some are general and affect different products (For example one of the software teams can have a "component" about developing the operating system), and they manage issues related to the product I manage under their project/"component".

As a project manager I am struggling in achieving two things:

  • Monitor each team's progress in one board.
    • In projects that contain issues related to my product and some that aren't, I want to filter out the non product related issues.
  • When we release a product version containing all of the "components" - I want to be able to understand what version each component had, or at least what issues related to our product were done.

I have been debating with these problems for a while, it's easy for me to create a board with a filter gathering all of the issues from each team by projects, though i am still not sure how should I extract only product relevant issues, and how to manage "component" versions.

Any suggestions and thoughts would be appreciated.

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Huwen Arnone _Deiser_
Atlassian Partner
February 3, 2020

Hello @Yarden Cohen

I think you should take a look at our app Profields. It should cover all your needs regarding Jira project tracking for Server and DC.

Here is the link >>


If you have any doubt about it, please let me know.

Have a great week!


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