Jira API issue while transitioning

Anshika Prasad
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September 15, 2022

I am trying to use JIRA API to transition my issue with a state id, using bot with all required access. I also tried with admin access. The board configuration looks good.

Also, there are no rules/conditions set between the transition states, still I am unable to transition my issue only to one particular state. While, it gets transitioned to other states successfully using the same API and parameters.


The error I get is as follows - 

[ERROR] JIRAError: JiraError HTTP 400 url: https://xyz.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/yyy-xxxxx/transitions
text: Can't move (yyy-xxxxx).
You might not have permission, or the issue is missing required information. If you keep having this problem, contact your Jira Administrator.

response text =

{ "errorMessages": [ "Can't move (yyy-xxxxx). You might not have permission, or the issue is missing required information. If you keep having this problem, contact your Jira Administrator." ], "errors": {} }

Is anyone else facing a similar issue?
I think this a bug to be resolved with the API.



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