Issue.SaveChangeAsync firing "no project could be found with key jira <KEY>" error

Vincent Gauzargues
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December 30, 2022


I'm currently devloping a .NET application to create stories so I'm using the Atlassian.NET SDK but I keep getting the same error.

Does anyone know how to fix it ?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 30, 2022

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The error message could be caused by three different problems, although they could all be summarised by "your user does not have access to the project"

The root causes could be

  • There is no project with the key you are asking for
  • Your application has not logged into the Jira system
  • The user with which you are logged in with does not have browse permission for the project, so it cannot see it

We can't help you much past that, as we don't know which one of those is the underlying cause, nor have you told us what your code is doing.

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