Discovery Phase through Delivery Phase project(container) management in Jira.

Scott Thurston
June 24, 2020

My company is moving towards more agile development but we still have some waterfall type methods too.  We are using Jira software standard cloud version.

We have several groups (teams) that collect ideas (stories) and then prioritize them, assign them to a BA to research and gather high-level requirements. This process is over some time period (not a sprint).

Once they are done if the story needs development it goes through the typical Jira process of development for our dev team(s).    

My question is:  How to organize the work to best track it, track the team's progress for the Discovery phase then continue that issue onto the Development phase to monitor and track the delivery team's efforts.  

How do others do this? What options might we use?

Would the discovery teams have their own Jira project (kanban) and once that phase is done the story is moved to another team for the delivery phase using (Scrum)?  Is that moving the story from one project to another or is there a way to duplicate the story and add it to a backlog for a delivery team?  

As I said, there are multiple teams that do Discovery work that ultimately feeds into a delivery teams backlog for development.







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