program vision vs. program "priority" vision ?

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January 21, 2020

when capturing a program vision in Jira Align, it also asks me to add one or several "priority visions" below. Why is this (I always thought there can only be one vision) and how can I proceed without creating additional priority sub-visions ? Thx

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Shawn Kessler
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 21, 2020

Hi ET,

Yes, you are correct, you start with one main program vision, where Product Management provides the overall, specific program context and vision. Next, the idea is to use the priority visions to further break down the vision into smaller vision statements, or sub or supporting visions--they are completely free form. For example, define how your competitors or your company's strengths and weaknesses fit into the overall vision. See the example below.


Basically, use the priority visions to help further define the vision--so that the parts help make up the whole. If you choose not to use the priority visions, just enter dummy text for the first priority vision or TBD as a placeholder. Hope this helps.


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