When a "Feature" is cancelled in Jira Align, then shouldn't the Jira "epic" be cancelled

Gyanendra K Gupta
July 6, 2021

We have Jira board integrated with Jira Align and all Jira stories and Epic are brought into Jira Align. 

The Product Owner is cancelling unnecessary Features  in Jira Align to cleanup and expect them to be DONE with Resolution of Cancel on the Jira side.  

Does it supposed to work this way?  Or What can we do to make it happen. 

Thanks you for your wisdom and brilliant solution.



2 answers

3 votes
Mark Cruth
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 6, 2021

@Gyanendra K Gupta - Great question! If you cancel a Feature in Jira Align, you need to make sure that the canceled state in Jira Align is mapped to the canceled status in Jira (as part of the Jira <> Jira Align integration). To double check that the integration is in place, in Jira Align go to...

1. Administration > Jira Settings > Manage Projects Tab

2. Select the "State Mapping" for the integrate project (see screenshot)

Screen Shot 2021-07-06 at 4.59.43 PM.png

3. On the "State" tab ensure that the Canceled state is mapped to the Jira Canceled status (see screenshot)

Screen Shot 2021-07-06 at 4.58.26 PM.png

If all of this is set up properly, and if you are using Process Step mapping, I believe there is an active defect that is preventing proper cancellations from Jira Align.

I'd also recommend checking out the integration guide for details on how to map the canceled state between Jira and Jira Align:


Hope this helps!

Mark Cruth
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 5, 2021

Update: The active defect referred to at the end of my comment is no longer active (yay!). This means you can now map the cancelled process steps to cancel an item from Jira Align > Jira if you use process steps.

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Tina Behers
Community Leader
Community Leader
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July 6, 2021

@Gyanendra K Gupta @Mark Cruth 

If the JIRA cancel state has a resolution requirement (rather than simply a workflow state) the integration from JIRA Align (item canceled in JA) will reject as there is no way to send (or know) the necessary actions via the API. 
for projects integrated to JIRA Align there needs to be only one value that sets the ( post script) resolved date field. Resolved date writes to JIRA Align as accepted. 

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