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Jira Align Advanced Filter

Georgi Gogichev February 13, 2023

Hi Jira Align Community,

Is advanced filtering in Jira Align possible (analogical / similar to JIRA JQL)? 

For example multiple selection, combination of several criteria via "OR" or "AND" etc.

If yes, where can I find a documentation with further information?


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Grantley Chhour
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February 14, 2023

Hi Georgi,

There isn't analogous functionality in Jira align similar to Jira JQL, instead, users in Jira Align filter work through the configuration bar depending on where they are in the system.

Georgi Gogichev February 16, 2023

Thank you for your time and answer Grantley! 

I have already discovered the configuration bar and the "Apply Filters" function. But it doesn't work for us. I'm not sure if it is a bug or we are doing something wrong.

We want to combine 2 filter criteria and the results don't match our expectations.

For example: show me all the features where the program increment is not 23-1 but they contain a tag 23-1.

It seems like the operator is not "AND" but "OR" because the filtered features are mixed and don't meet both criteria.

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