JIRA ALIGN: Is there a max limit to number of questions on a Scorecard?

Jayme Burkhalter
July 29, 2021

One of my stakeholders wanted to know if there is a max limit to the number of questions that can be configured on a custom scorecard in the Value tab?  Ideally, we don't want to have more than 4-6 factors to contribute to the value score, but I wanted to have a real answer to offer back just in case.


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Tom O'Connor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 29, 2021

@Jayme Burkhalter I don't see any specific number documented.  I also reviewed our Portfolio Blueprints and we don't specify any specific number, but based on what information you are trying to capture.  Obviously if there lots of questions, it will be information overload so there has to be a balance to the number of questions you put in the scorecard.

I've reached out to our JA documentation group to see if they have any idea on the number.  

Jayme Burkhalter
July 29, 2021

Thank you so much @Tom O_Connor !  Like I said, I plan to discourage an exhaustive list of factors, but knowing the answer is appreciated!!

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