Is anyone having issues with the Scope Changes report?

Ann Bouvier
March 17, 2020

I have my top filter set to a Release Train, and the current Program Increment.

When I select a sprint, all I see is the progress circle, but never am I able to get any results.  Are others seeing this same thing? 

Where else am I able to see scope creep at the team level, at the sprint level?

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Tina Behers
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March 20, 2020

Yes, Ann we are seeing this as well in our instance as well as several customer instances that we are helping to implement.   This issue has been reported to the support team.  I am sure they will correct as soon as possible! 

As an alternative, may I suggest using the Program Increment Scope Change report instead of the team level, until they get this fixed. 

Easy access is:  Program Increments (Release) -> More Actions -> Scope Change Report

all the best - 


Ann Bouvier
March 26, 2020

Thank you

Ann Bouvier
April 2, 2020

Is there any update on this?  Is there a Bug number I can track?

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