Does Deep linking from Emails work so you do not need to re-login?

Ann Bouvier
February 18, 2020

When I receive an email from Jira Align regarding a change made against a Dependency I'm "watching" -

  1. I click the link in the email that's supposed to take me to the JA dependency it's talking about (link looks like https://<COMPANY NAME> )
  2. I'm forced to re-login to JA even if I'm already logged in. And - I have to re-type my email address as well (in addition to the password)
  3. Once I'm logged in - I'm not automatically taken to the Jira Dependency I expect to see. Instead, I'm landed on the "Welcome to Jira Align 10X!" screen.
  4. And then from here - I need to manually look for the JA dependency mentioned in the email.

I imagine there's an easier way to get to the JA dependency I'm looking for as the above is too cumbersome. Does anyone know an easier way to get to my JA dependency?

2 answers

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Tim Keyes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 20, 2020

Hi Ann and Stan,

Thank you for reaching out.  The referenced functionality is tied to authentication sessions and the relay state parameter of Jira Align's SAML 2.0 SSO solution.

More can be read about relay state parameter's here:

When a link to Jira Align is first clicked, an authentication process occurs with Jira Align's SSO solution.  This authentication process removes the path after the base Jira Align site URL and redirects users to the last page they accessed within the site or the home page.  A relaystate would allow the initial authentication session to pass through the full URL and path.

A partial work around depending on the SSO provider your organization is utilizing would be clicking the link to authenticate via SSO then re-clicking the link once the authentication session has been established which should take you directly to the URL by passing the authentication stage (you could also copy and paste the link into the browser once authentication has been established).

To fully support a relay state Jira Align would most likely need to change from a Service Provider Initiated SSO Solution to an Identity Proivder Initiated SSO solution.  This change is currently not in our backlog at this time but you are more than welcome to submit a request to our ideation portal at if interested.

Please let us know if there are any follow-up questions.


Ann Bouvier
February 20, 2020

Hi Tim, thanks for the information, but even the suggestion to copy and paste the link once authenticated DOES NOT work either.  As you can see the link has login in it, and seems to go back to login....

https://<Name> )

Tim Keyes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 20, 2020

Hi Ann,

Thank you for the feedback  

It appears we are formatting the link differently for dependencies and some of the other objects.  This is an example risk link that takes users directly to the risk grid.

I will check in with our product and engineer teams on the ability to switch the link for Dependencies then let you know my findings.



Ann Bouvier
February 20, 2020

Thanks Tim, yes Risks work.  That is why I was prompted to ask about Dependencies.

Ann Bouvier
April 21, 2020

Will the dependency link be updated?  Should a bug be logged for this?

0 votes
Stan Goldshteyn February 19, 2020

I second that. This would be a great time saver.

Also, it would be nice if we could reply to the email to post notes on a work item (instead of logging in and updating it).

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