Dependency Statuses

Dominique Greene
February 19, 2024

Is there any enhancements in the pipeline to make dependency statues work similar to Jira? Example. If a requester on the dependency blocked the dependency but the Depends on team decides to reject the dependency due to lack of communication, the dependency will continue to display as blocked instead of wiping out the blocked status and updating the status to rejected. In essence it appears that the dependency is holding two statuses due to Reject no longer being an option to the Depends on team and unable to changed the blocked status on the requesting team side for them. When the blocked is released from the requesting side the dependency then reflects the rejected status. I would think that Reject would trump block and would overwrite the blocked status. It's also possible to have the dependency blocked on both the requester side, and depends on side at the same time, and reject status. Is there any updates planned to have a dependency hold one status at a time? Thank you. 

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Jamie Giantonio
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 4, 2024

@Dominique Greene I would recommend that you create a Jira Align Product suggestion for the situation you identified above.

You can create a Product suggestion ticket following the steps below:

  1. Access 
  2. Select "Product Suggestions"
  3. Click on "Go to product suggestions"
  4. Next, Click on the Create button
  5. Fill in the required fields 

Once the above steps are complete a new Product suggestion ticket will be created and we'd recommend adding yourself as a watcher and voting for it to raise the visibility of the suggestion to the JA Product Management team.

Should you have any further doubts or concerns, feel free to raise a Jira Align support ticket and we'll assist you!

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