Jira Connector - Feature Sync Failure "'reporter' cannot be set."

Jira Align connected and syncing with an instance of Jira.


  • A newly created Feature in Jira Align fails to create a corresponding Epic in Jira.

  • The following API error is logged, revealing that there is an issue with the Reporter field:

ResponseHeader_Connection:close, ResponseContent:{\"errorMessages\":[],\"errors\":{\"reporter\":\"Field 'reporter' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown.\"}}, JsonErrors:reporter=Field 'reporter' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown

What does this mean?:

This errors typically means that Jira Align is sending Jira an API call to create an Epic and the reporter/assignee field is either not present (for the Jira Epic) or the service account the Jira Connector is using does not have permission to update the field.  

What to do?:

  • Troubleshooting this will require logging into Jira as a user with Project Admin permissions.
  • If the reporter field exists for the issue type, then please verify that the API Service account used for the Jira Connector has "Modify Reporter" permissions on the relevant Jira Project. 
  • Please see the following article for more information on the required permissions for the API Service Account:  Jira and Jira Align Integration: Creating an API Service Account 





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