Email notification flagged by Microsoft as potential fraud

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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July 13, 2017

I have noticed something over the past several weeks that I have been meaning to investigate and I am hopeful someone can point me to the cause or a hint.

We use Outlook and I have noticed that on some tickets that are open the notification is flagged by MS as potential spoofing. I know this is not the case. It appears to be assocaited with any user that has their Full Name = to their email, which is another issue that I'm trying to figure out. I do not see this if they Full Name = first name last name, e.g. Jack Brickey. I am thinking that this may be related to the recent changes in login authentication.

The email come in with the following header displayed

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 7, 2017

I worked this out with Atlassian support. Ultimately they pointed me to MS. However, I resolved as follows...


I was able to correct the issue by having all users that had their "Full Name" = their email address log into and change their FN to First Last.

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