Error connecting to SVN repository from Tortoise

Saikat Nandi
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January 30, 2012

I am using Atlassian On Deman solution with Fisheye+Crucible. I have configured Fisheye SVN repository access using instructions for project level access control from this page.

A user beloging to a group authorized to Commit to the project repository is able to view the repository from Source tab in Atlassian On Demand. However when the same user tries to browse repository from Tortoise SVN, the following error is reported:

Unable to connect to a repository at URL


Access to 'https://domain/svn/repository' forbidden

I will appreciate any help resolving this problem.


3 answers

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Jeff Curry
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 10, 2013

Most likely culprit is this:

Prior to SVN 1.6.13 ( OnDemand utilizes 1.6.7 or so ) a user must have read permissions on / otherwise they'll get permission errors such as these

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Saikat Nandi
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 18, 2012

Thanks for the input. I do not think it is case sensitivity.

I can log in as administrator, but not as a regular user, after providing access to the regular user via project specific permission as outlined here by Atlassian.

The regular user shall be able to access the repository via Tortoise, since the same user can access the repository via Atlassian on demand solution. i think something is wrong in the Atlassian on demand set up. I have contacted them also, but without any satisfactory response.


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Deleted user February 2, 2012

Not sure what could be the exact error here, but the SVN urls are case-sensitive. Did you make sure the repository name used in the above url is in the correct case as is the corresponding Project Name in FishEye/JIRA.

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