Hi @All here !!
Extend my previous post https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Enterprise/Get-user-roles-from-all-projects-in-CSV-format/gpm-p/1068800
So what is the problem when you manage a large number of projects? This is a lot of schemes and settings.
I was tasked to change several schemes, but this should not affect the scope (call it projectsA).
Hmm .... for that, I have to check that these schemes are not installed for pojectsA. It's simple, if you have 10 projects and 4 schemes, and not when there are a hundred.
I thought it would be easy if I had one table with all the projects and its schemes.
I wrote a GEB script for this purpose. The script accumulates all the name schemes in a single CSV file. Now everything is in one place and you can do the filtering.
For example, we can now filter 'workflow scheme' and get a list of projects that will be affected. And we can use the Excel function to find duplicates with our 'projects A' and filtered.
Link to source code: https://git.andrewsite.ru/blob/JiraGebAuto.git/master/JiraGebAuto.groovy
I also added project deletion methods to the script, be careful! Use it only if you know groovy.
I hope this post was helpful.
Hi @Jonas Fischer ,
Sorry for long time answer. Please use very careful because script has methods to delete items. Check first on test env.
That works ! Thank you.