With this month’s newsletter, we share some exciting product changes and updates, along with a treasure trove of resources built specifically to support our Enterprise customers. For the latest and greatest, read on to see what’s new from Atlassian in the August Enterprise Examiner.
Allowing apps to be installed and tested for free in the sandbox environment gives you the freedom to prepare for changes within your test instances without the extra burden of an added cost for your many, many apps. Simply put - now, you will be able to purchase your apps once - testing all product and app changes in sandbox with ease.
The Advanced Roadmap migration early access program EAP that was originally planned to start later this year, has been pulled up to start in early September instead. This functionality will allow you to migrate Advanced Roadmap plans from Jira Server to Jira Cloud using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant.
Looking for more information? Check out this migration tooling post for further reading.
Atlassian’s public cloud and Data Center roadmaps have been updated with the latest information as of Aug 9, 2021.
We’re hosting a cloud roadmap webinar onSep 23, 2021with Atlassians Partha Kamal and Dave Meyer from the Cloud migrations team. Please register to learn more about what’s new and what’s on deck for cloud.
We’re thrilled to let you know we have Access product demo videos on YouTube and on Access Community as articles and in the videos tab. These are the same as our full-length videos on Product Demo - Access | Atlassian - but broken into snippets to highlight each features - as well as details on how to set it up. These demos should help you better understand what to do to prepare and set up Access.
Cloud vs Data Center deployment comparison - This comparison outlines deployment differences across key focus areas including: pricing and billing, security and data management, compliance, and apps to help you make the best decision for your team.
You can discover exactly what we offer today in change management in cloud for JSW, JSM and Confluence. With our two new blogs - The Road to Effective Change Management in Cloud and 4 Ways to Manage Change Seamlessly in Atlassian Cloud - we outline how cloud admins manage change in cloud today using sandbox, release tracks and more.
We’ve gotten such great questions from our bi-weekly cloud migrations demo, that we split the Community Q&A wrap up into two sections: questions customers may have pre-migration (about our Cloud products and platform, the migration process, and migration trials) and during the migration (about tooling, user migration, product-specific migrations, and apps and integrations). The migration demo is a must-watch for anyone who is wondering what a migration entails or is in the midst of migration planning.
According to our TechValidate survey of 320+ Atlassian customers, here’s what your business size says about your cloud migration and what your industry says about your cloud migration.
Thanks for reading, and look out for new updates next month in the next Enterprise Examiner!
Mandy Ross
Community Manager
Washington state, USA
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