Time to roll the Friday fun thread!
Friday, October 12: @Erica_Garcia
Friday, October 19: @jndeverteuil
Friday, October 26: @Michele Lim [cPrime]
Friday, November 2: @Mesut Yilmazyildirim
Friday, November 9: @Kat Warner
Friday, November 16: @Heth Siemer
Friday, November 23: @[deleted]
Friday, November 30: @[deleted]
Friday, December 7: @Andy - PTC Redundant
Friday, December 14: @Ollie Guan
Friday, December 21: @Mary Ramirez
Friday, December 28: @Gundlupet Sreenidhi
As soon as your turn comes around, you can use this link to create a Friday Fun discussion!
You're all set, Julien!
Thank you very much!
@jndeverteuil, it's Friday in Sydney and you can post your thread anytime! 🧚
Thank you for the opportunity to share some fun around, @Monique vdB!
I think so; I signed you up @Erica_Garcia!
@Erica_Garcia it's Friday in Sydney, although I don't think Mike and Scott are awake yet. :) Feel free to post your Friday fun anytime!
Perfect!! Thanks for signing me up Monique!
@Michele Lim [cPrime], your day is here! It's Friday in Sydney, so kick off the Friday fun anytime! :)
Thanks Monique!! I've posted and am excited to see the replies!
I think I am a badge addict - sign me up. I've got a little while to think of a topic.
@Kat Warner signing you up now, for November 8 :)
Thank you @Kat Warner! I will fix it!
... Am I allowed to do another?! :D (whenever)
@Heth Siemer yes!! Of course!! Or @Meg Holbrook, do you want any pinch-hitting for Miscellaneous Monday? :)
Hey @Monique vdB - I'm solid for Mondays, but I also don't want to bogart them if someone else wants a turn.
@Heth Siemer I signed you up for November 15 and you can make big eyes at Meg if you want to do MiscMon ;)
I mean... yes please? I can do big doe eyes... ((was gonna take a pic, but decided that was creepy so please just use imagination))
@Heth Siemer - give me a date and I'll put it on my calendar for a guest edition.
Hey! Can I claim Friday, November 23? :D
@[deleted] it's yours, Cameron! :D
Can I have a November 30th, well done, medium roasted and fun filled, please @Monique vdB, pleaaase?
Would you like cream and sugar with that?
Not really... thinking of going over to the dark side.
@[deleted] you're up! It's morning in Sydney, the sun is shining, and we're ready for Friday fun. :)
@Monique vdB: I would love to have December 7th please. I have a super awesome #FridayFun topic involving Atlassian themed T-Shirts and Sinterklaas (the fun Saint Nicholas tradition here in the Netherlands on Dec 5th). There'll be a competition and a prize for the winner! :-D
Klinkt gezellig, @Andy - PTC Redundant! I signed you up. :) Are community managers eligible to win the prize? 😉
Helemaal top! Dank je wel @Monique vdB!
Probably will do different categories based on one’s relation to Atlassian... employee, service proivder, client, etc.
So YES! 🤩🌟👚👕
Hi @Monique vdB
Is Dec 14th still available?
Thank you @Kat Warner!! @Ollie Guan I'll get you set up right now.
Got it, Thanks!
Hi, @Monique vdB,
Can I sign up for Dec 21?
@Mary Ramirez sure thing!
@Mesut Yilmazyildirim It's Friday in Sydney, so feel free to post your Friday Fun thread anytime!
Here it is; Raki; traditional Turkish drink
@Heth Siemer, my favorite Hufflepuff, your hour has come. Feel free to post your Friday fun thread anytime!
Well, I tried...
...I'm highly disappointed now... had my Untappd in hand and ready to update the Wish List :'o(
@Andy - PTC Redundant Tried again - https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Off-topic-discussions/Friday-Fun-A-Good-Scottish-Bevie-Take-Two/m-p/946980#M3530
Not sure why it got marked as spam originally.
Hey @[deleted],
I had a look at the one in the spam queue. Unverified option*: it seems like the number of links in combination with percentages is what triggered the spam sieve. It can be pretty drunk some days.
We usually check the spam queue once or twice a day to release any false positives, but I think everyone doing the checking was on holiday last week.
@[deleted] : I am highly satisfied now :D THANKS ! !
@Monique vdB: I've been stuck in bed sick with a major sinus infection.... but I dragged myself out to make sure my Friday Fun post STILL happens ! ! ! :o
Sadly most of Europe and Asia now out of office (or in bed) but they can still enjoy it the coming days!!!
It’s my turn this week, I have a work out plan tomorrow, I’m sending it out today.
@Mary Ramirez!! It's your turn this week and it's morning in Sydney. Post away and maybe @Thomas Schlegel will feature you in his advent calendar :)
Maybe next year, this year‘s calendar is already closed.