Is there any gadgets in JIRA where I get the Defect Removal Efficiency, Test Efficiency & Defect leakage Gadgets percentages and charts.
Also let me know any plugins available for the same.
(Total defects found in development [A]/ (Total defects found in development[A] + Defects found in production [B] )) x 100
Defect Leakage=(No. of Defects raise by customer after release/No. of Defects raised by Tester before release-No. of invalid Defects from Defects raised by tester before release)*100
Test Efficiency
Rajesh Meka
I have the same issue for now, have you found any solutions?
Thank you in advance,
If you were able to pull in required data for these metrics into a tool like Power BI or any other DB using APIs, it should be possible to write DAX / SQL queries to get the relevant metrics. Right ?
Have not tried it and will look into this.
Any news on this topic? I am looking for some plugin that would help with this
Have you seen this? https://performance-objectives.com/kpi-defect-removal-efficiency-dre/
For DRE, Is there any way to get the data through JIRA API and calculate outside JIRA system?
How to show the defect leakage % in Jira dashboard for multiple projects together?
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