Welcome to the Atlassian DevOps Community

We're excited to launch the Atlassian DevOps Community, a forum for those looking to share and learn about all things DevOps.

Whether you’re a an expert or a newbie who’s still trying to figure out what the heck this is all about, we hope you’ll join us on the road to building, testing, and releasing better software.

We’ve already developed some useful DevOps content to help you on your way!

Use the Atlassian Team Playbook Building a DevOps culture if you’re just starting to implement DevOps practices.

When you’re ready to dive into projects, use Confluence Templates to evaluate and build your change management practice or improve your team’s response to alerts and outages.

And if you still have DevOps-related questions for Atlassian? Join us on June 9th for an “Ask Me Anything” session with Matt Ryall, Head of Product for DevOps. Matt will answer questions like…

  • What’s new in the world of DevOps at Atlassian?

  • What’s the deal with practices, culture, and mindset on successful DevOps teams?

  • How do I get started with DevOps?

… and whatever questions you have about tools and practices to succeed as a DevOps team.

Our goal is to use this space to exchange ideas, tips, and insights.

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If you’re looking for the latest updates to Atlassian products, need help with your customer instance, or wish to add more products to your Atlassian stack, please head over to:

THANKS for stopping by… we hope you’ll stay a while!



Kat Warner
Atlassian Partner
May 13, 2020

DevOps is creating an environment where there is frictionless communication between operations and development team members.

DevOps is not combing previously separate teams into a single team with the same job title and job description then expecting people to do all tasks equally as well.


I look forward to seeing everyones stories about DevOps - attempts and successes.

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Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 13, 2020

Looking to dive into the challenging DevOps World! Let the fun begin.... ☺️

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