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Why did I buy 5 Separate Atlassian products?

Alan Halls
I'm New Here
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September 11, 2017

I was discussing management headaches with a friend who recommended I use Jira. I had tried it in the past, but the mothly fee discouraged me, so when I found I could host it myself for $10, I was sold.

Then going through the purchase process, I was offered "Add-ons" or so I thought.  They were only another $10 each, and since we used Bitbucket, I figured, why not buy it all so we can have it all in one place....

So... yeah. First, it isn't 1 great product with all the add-ons installed. It is 5 separate products, 5 separate installations, 10 separate ports to configure.

Now I don't really know what Confluence, Service Desk, or Portfolio are, but I figured I didn't want to miss out on any great features within Jira, so I bought them. This feels like a mistake. As a manager wanting to simplify software development, getting my team to monitor a single application is possible, asking them to constantly check 4-5 different ones isn't going to happen. There will always be the, "Oh, I was looking at the OTHER Jira application..." which is now a legitimate excuse.

Seems like if an MVC architecture had been used, they could have developed a single amazing program, add feature after feature, and then enable / disable those features based off what you purchased.

This is only my first day using it, trying to figure out which of the 5 applications I am supposed to use for unit testing my PHP code and running across pages like this: and wondering if they are like bacon and eggs, put them in the same dang app :(

1 comment

Gregory Van Den Ham
Rising Star
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September 13, 2017
Alan Halls
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
September 13, 2017

Thanks Gregory, I was able to kinda link Jira to Bitbucket. I say kinda because I had setup the app to redirect to port 80 and be served through apache, which gives me wierd errors at wierd times. Sometimes Oauth will work, othertimes I have to tell it to go to port 8000, you can't import repositories unless to are using the original port for bitbucket, for me 8010. Still working on it, just surprised that it isn't more seamless.

Gregory Van Den Ham
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 14, 2017

No worries, they're all great tools, each with their own purpose, but do integrate well once linked.


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