...ext-data:Site-AvailabilitySummary} | {text-data:Site-AvailabilityID} | {text-data:Site-AvailabilityOID} | {number-data:Site-AvailabilityOutage|decimal=true} minutes| {table-data} {report-table} {g...
Hello, I have just installed the Confluence beta 4.02. I have no way to see the wiki markup of a page. I can see the storage format ?? and the view source show the exact page when editing a page....
When reading through the search results, such as http://confluence.atlassian.com/dosearchsite.action?queryString=3.5+search+results&where=conf_all&type=&lastModified=&contributor=&...
I need to block the change history (from the tools menu) for anonymous users. Is there a way to do this?
Hi the Search is not working and nothing is appearing on the dashboard. When we try to rebuild the index, the loading screen gets stuck at 99%. How do you fix this?
I have a need to create a repository of information on international politicians for my company. We have a whole stack of information on them (that are formatted as individual records in a .csv), i...
Hello people I would like run Confluence over https. Im running a standalone version 3.5.5. I have a certificate provided by my Company but the extension of certificate is .cer. According to th...
I'd like to set up Confluence to let anonymous users sign up for email notifications when a page changes. I'd like to avoid using RSS. Any suggestions?
When I run Beta on Internet Explorer the top navigation bar configures incorrectly. Instead of going across the screen horizontally they come down vertically and you can't see them. Does anyone e...
Hi. This is a problem which has been flagged before in the following two discussions (at least): https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONF-16264 http://forums.atlassian.com/message.jspa?messageI...
Hi all, We've the setup as stated in the subject: Confluence is running on Windows Server, behind IIS configured as described in http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Setting+up+Confluenc...
Hello, I'm using Scaffolding with textareas for headers. The Toc macro show the titles but in the area of scaffolding even in the view mode. Is their a way to have a table of anchor in the ...
I'm using the Customware reporting macros to create a list of pages in a space. I'd like to be able to use the page template name as one of the column values. Is there a way to get this value?
We are trying out the tabs plugin (deck and cards macro) in our test Wiki. It seems to work great, but we are concerned about searching and linking: 1. Search: If some term is on, say, the fourth t...
Hello everyone, This is my first post and I like to create a 3-line-survey in the Footer of each new created page. Answers are single numbers. Those datas should be saved in a single Excel in a ta...
Hello I am attempting to use the checlists plugin. What I want, and according to the docs it should function, is to edit an input field on the check list and this will in turn update the chld pag...
I have a user macro called {username} which works great in an {info} block but gets displayed verbatim as '{username}' in a {code:language=bash} block. How can get the {code:language=bash} to respect...
Let's say I have a {code}echo my line of code{code} block. If the reader wants to copy and paste the 'mycode' text from the wiki page then they must do it with the mouse etc. Very fiddly if doing oft...
I would like to have the Confluence dashboard's activity stream automatically update (or notify me of updates) when there are new updates available. Something like the way Twitter does it would be ne...
I want to create a couple of tumblr-like blogs within confluence to promote knowledge-sharing. One is a TipsAndTricks blog. Here's an example of how it would function: Any user could add a post t...
We have several project that produce JavaDoc and/or PHPDoc. Would like to be able to display the updated documentation within specific spaces on Confluence that are connected with our projects. Has a...
We are running a standalone instance of Confluence 3.5.9 on linux. We need to customize the Login page and it seems that most tasks require more than just modifying the login.vm file. What file do ...
I've read the question about Jira Studio being installed with pre-bundled plugins available for use and that you cannot add additional plugins manually. Is this the same for hosted Confluence or is...
A colleague is having issue whilst editing a wiki page using Wiki Markup. His screen splits between displaying the source code on the left and a blank pane on the right. This is making editorial ...
Hello Guys, I just noticed that %content:title% is no longer available for using within Linking Plugin. Have anyone experienced similar issues. I was using it for creating new pages that wo...
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