about Free License for a space

Peter Jeon
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April 17, 2019

We want to run a space in Confluence for our partners. We do not want a public board open to unspecified individuals.

Giving an example, we want to issue a free license that allows read-only access to a number of specific people. They will be able to access the board with logging in through the free license.


Is this possible? How can we do this?


Thank you,

2 answers

1 vote
Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 17, 2019

Hi @Peter Jeon 

I am afraid that what you are purposing here is not possible with Confluence.  In order to restrict pages or content to specific users, these users have to have an account in Confluence.  Having that account makes them a licensed user.  See 6. How do you define a Confluence User?.

While you can have an unlimited number of anonymous users, these anonymous users have access to public spaces.  There is no other mechanism by which you can restrict those anonymous users even further within Confluence.

Perhaps you can resolve this by either licensing those partner users, or perhaps creating a separate installation under a different site/URL might be one way to separate the content.

I hope this helps.


0 votes
Petr Vaníček
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 17, 2019


no, it's not. For that user is user.

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