Why has the published view of a page heading (Title) moved to centre? should be left aligned.

Bec Honey
August 6, 2019

Has anyone else's confluence cloud spaces moved the headers on pages? 

I create a page, enter a header - its always left aligned. 

In edit mode its left aligned. 

In published view its centralized as well as the created by / last updated info. Looks awful. 

I have checked exporting the page to both word and pdf - header is left aligned. 


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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 8, 2019

Hello Bec,

Good morning! Happy to help with this. Are you referring to the headings here?

Screenshot 2019-08-08 at 13.08.36.png

This is my test page using the new editor, but I am not able to replicate that behavior. Would you be able to show us an example of how it looks on your instance? Have you recently installed any new add-ons? 



Bec Honey
August 8, 2019

Hi Shannon, 

I am referring to the old editor pages - but have replicated the issue in the new editor page too. Maybe I should have been a little clearer - The Tittle of the page is not left aligned in published view. In edit, the Tittle is left aligned.

Also I note, when inserting images I am no longer able to resize and border them? 

Header in edit mode.jpg



Headers in confluence.jpgnew test page using editor.jpg

Bec Honey
August 8, 2019

… Following above - I see now that using the NEW editor I can make the page full width as opposed to fixed width which will move my Tittle to the left as I wanted. 

However, We have a lot of old editor formatted pages - where I cannot move the title - there isn't the same "make full width" function to fix up existing pages. Please can you assist? 

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 9, 2019

Hello Bec,

Thank you so much for the screenshots and explanation.

I discovered this was an issue in the past which has resurfaced. You can see the details I just added in the thread below:

The current bug ticket for this is below:

  • CONFCLOUD-67110 Titles are center-aligned for pages using the Legacy Editor

As for the issue you're having resizing images and adding a border, can you confirm that this is on the new editor? I'm still able to add a border and resize images in the old editor, but not the new.

The border is part of Image effects, which is something that was temporarily removed from the new editor but will be coming soon:

For resizing images in the new editor, it's possible to do so while dragging the sides of the image with your cursor. However, this is not currently working when the image is inside a table. This has been reported below:

There was no workaround mentioned, but I just discovered that if I first resize the image outside of the table, and then drag it into the table, it keeps the size I chose. I've added this as a workaround to that bug, but can you let me know if you are able to get the same to work for you?



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