Unexpected line breaks on embedded Jira issue

Kay Paulus May 18, 2021

I'm trying to embed a Jira issue in a Confluence document, but the format is really wonky. Other Jira issues that I've embedded the same way (with "/jira") have worked fine. 

Here's what it looks like, with proprietary info redacted. I've updated the title on the Jira issue to remove special characters; the redacted portion contains alpha characters only.

What could be causing the line breaks? 



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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 20, 2021

Hello Kay,

Welcome to Atlassian Community. Nice to meet you!

I don't know anything off-hand that would cause that. I want to confirm; you have working Jira macros on the same page, and there are also special characters in the title? Are they all single-issue macros? Are they placed on a table?

Can you confirm if the page uses the new editor? Refer to Convert pages to the new editor if you want to see how to tell if a page uses the new editor.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Take care,


Kay Paulus May 21, 2021

Thanks for taking a look, Shannon!

"you have working Jira macros on the same page?" yes
"Are they all single-issue macros?" yes
"Are they placed on a table?" no
"Can you confirm if the page uses the new editor?" yes

II saw this problem in a bigger document I created a new one to try to isolate / troubleshoot it. The format is:

/jira macro, linked to single issue - format looks correct

/jira macro, linked to single issue - format is as above. 


"there are also special characters in the title?"

This issue originally had special characters in the title (part of the title was in curly brackets "{...}"), but I updated the title to eliminate the special characters, and the format issue still occurred. It does NOT happen with another embedded Issue with curly braces in the title. 

Here's a more complete screenshot in case it helps, with proprietary info redacted again: 


Kay Paulus May 21, 2021

Ooh, here's another clue. I just mentioned that same Issue in the description of another Issue in Jira, and the same weird formatting appears there:confluence_format3.png

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 25, 2021

Hi Kay,

Thank you for sharing those examples with us. I haven't seen this before, and I would like to look at the individual Jira issues to find out what's going on. 

Can you report this to your administrator? They can raise a ticket with Atlassian Cloud Support, and we can have a look at your site directly.

Thank you!


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