Unable to insert image from other pages

Helen Gosper
June 19, 2019

I use Confluence cloud, having moved from server recently. 

My method of inserting images into a page is to house them in an image library and insert them onto the desired page using Insert > File and 'Search on other pages.' (I used to use CMD+M on the server version but that apparently no longer works in cloud).

Once I complete the first step, what I see is the attached screenshot. Pasted Graphic.jpg

There is no option to search on other pages, only Upload or a variety of external sources (Giphy which we do not use, drop box or google).

Has anyone else encountered this issue?



3 answers

6 votes
Darren Warta
January 24, 2020

No longer supported?!?   This is a problem for my team.

This was a very important feature that we used in keeping our documentation up to date.  I have several pages that depend on an image updating across multiple pages, such as a Network Diagram.  Those images were stored as attachments.

The excerpt macro is not a feasible work-around as we have multiple versions of the same image on a single page.  For example, we have versions of the Network Diagram for Cloud Operations and another for customers (where the sensitive/confidential details are removed).

In order to use this as described in the work-around, I'd have to create a page per image, which is a lot of work and would make future updates administratively burdensome. 

Helen Gosper
January 27, 2020

My understanding of 'workarounds' is that they are typically offered to get one out of a sticky situation, either where a fix is coming or where one might have to employ the suggested technique in only a few instances.

As @Darren Warta mentions, to employ this suggestion in a documentation scenario would be not only an administrative nightmare, but not actually achievable as many images from a library of attachments are often (as is my use case) also re-used on multiple pages.

In other words, it's not a potential workaround at all.

I'm currently achieving the result I need by creating new content using an old page as a kind of faux template. It works really well, and I know others have posted that they also do this, but I wonder whether we are creating ticking time bombs for ourselves.

What scares me is this: what if they suddenly decide that al pages using the 'old' editor need to be compulsorily migrated to the new editor?

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Simon Greenwold
February 12, 2025

Is it still the case that you cannot re-use images across pages? That seems absurd. How is that not a requirement for many people? I don't have a single "source-page" to excerpt. It's just a shared image that I want to be able to update in one place and have the results updated wherever the image has been referenced. Am I supposed to make a single "image library" page in each space where I place all shared images and multiply "excerpt" items from there. First of all, what an unbelievable pain. Second, if I do that, I don't get the option to control the target size of the image where it's reused, right?

1 vote
Dave Cavell December 8, 2020

Hmm, a document management system with no way of displaying an image attached to a different page? wow

Julien Bonastre
August 16, 2021


Yeeeeep. The mind boggles how this product continues to grow..

0 votes
James Dellow
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June 26, 2019

This is no longer supported - I suggest you check the roadmap for the Cloud new editor for further information. There is also an ongoing discussion thread where you can give feedback and also a less active, but specific thread about uploading files.

Ping @Avinoam & @jchu 

Helen Gosper
July 15, 2019

So what would be Atlassian's recommended best practice for content management? On one hand, they promote the use of Confluence for technical documentation yet at the same time apparently remove the ability to use a standard image library.

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Johann Rosenstock
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August 17, 2019

I can't believe they have stopped supporting such a function.


@altassian Please answer what's the best practice here. Are you using your own product?! If you would, you would never remove the function.


Update: Wow, just found this, sorry to say, dumpass workaround.

Add attachment from another Confluence page

This feature would let you add an attachment to one Confluence page and then display it on multiple other pages. This would cause a number of dependency issues, such as where someone would unknowingly delete the image from the first page, and it would leave an error on all the other pages. In order to prevent this from happening, we've removed this functionality.

If this functionality was important to you, you can achieve the same thing by using the excerpt and excerpt include macros. The excerpt macro lets you put some Confluence content into an excerpt, which you can then use the excerpt include macro to display on a number of other pages.

Any changes you make to the excerpt will flow through to all the pages that the excerpt include is used on.

Carl-Olav Løvald
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July 9, 2020

Sadly, using the Excerpt functionality for Gliffy-drawings does not work. It leaves you with a Gliffy Macro Error in the page where the excerpt is included...

However, Gliffy allows you to keep your drawing / model in one page, and link to it from other pages. When creating a new Gliffy drawing choose Search for a diagram and select / check Link to Original Diagram at the bottom of the dialog box...

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