The "+ space shortcut" is missing from space shortcuts

Morten Kartevoll
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July 9, 2018

I cannot find the "+ space shortcut" button to create a new space shortcut, even the space admin has the same problem. Have I missed a release which has moved the button?

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Manon Soubies-Camy
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July 9, 2018

Hello @Morten Kartevoll,

Have you checked this thread: I am having trouble editing space shortcuts - any ideas of what I am doing wrong?

Here is how to add a shortcut:

  • Hover on the sidebar, a pen button should appear. Click on it to edit:


  • Then you just click on "Add shortcut" to configure it
  • Click on Done to save

Hope this helps!

- Manon

Morten Kartevoll
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 13, 2018

Ok, so the problem was that my user did not have the correct access to create space shortcuts. Additionally, the site admin didn't have access either, so we solved it by giving access to both of us, and then it worked out perfectly as the article linked said :)

Thanks a lot for pointing me to the answer!

Manon Soubies-Camy
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July 13, 2018

Glad it helped! :)

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