The Atlassian API is returning data like this from the wiki endpoint `/wiki/api/v2/pages/<id>`
{"type":"media","attrs":{"width":1278,"alt":"alt text","id":"51013016-44a8-438f-b0b7-fb619714df9a","collection":"contentId-1180220222","type":"file","height":1500}},
The ID is not requestable from the endpoint `/wiki/api/v2/attachments/<id>`, the format is not UUID but pattern (att)?[0-8]+
How do I cirumvent this mapping issue?
How do I request the media attachments via the ID in UUIDv4 formt?
There is already an issue up here that mine duplicates, without an answer.
This is very related to the following issue from 2022, but there are only workarounds no solutions..