Overview Page Banners Suddenly Huge

Alexis Marticorena February 26, 2024

Dear Confluence Cloud Community,

A while back I created branded header images for my company's various Confluence spaces. They were 950 x 175 px and they fit nicely & looked great. Recently I noticed that the header images now fill up the width of the entire page, regardless of how I have the page width set up, and are subsequently blurry and cut off.

As mentioned above, it's not that I have the page set up as full width. Most of these overview pages are set up with the narrower width. 

Anyone experiencing the same? Know of a fix? Have an explanation?


My Pages Used to be Pretty

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Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
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February 27, 2024

@Alexis Marticorena This is part of a new feature that was recently rolled out. See https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-articles/Modernized-Content-Topper-Beautiful-amp-Dynamic-Titles/ba-p/2604971 for more information. You may need to change the settings for your image.

Alexis Marticorena February 28, 2024

I see - thanks!

Has anything been put out there regarding what size we should be making custom page headers now so they look clean? If not, I'll just have to tinker with some sizes...

Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 28, 2024

@Alexis Marticorena You should add your questions/comments on the article (maybe tag the author). Another user or the author may be able to answer or commiserate with you.

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