Notification remains after stopping watching

Ryota Hashimoto July 24, 2020


After I stopped watching on a specific page, direct notification still comes everytime someone edited the page.  How to stop it completely? 


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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 27, 2020

Hello Ryota,

Nice to hear from you again!

I see that you asked in another thread, Stop watching all the pages in space. This indeed could be why you're still receiving notifications for that page.

There are also other reasons you could receive notifications. For example, if you're following the person who made the changes, following all blog posts, the entire site, or if you're the original creator of the page.

I hope this helps, but let me know if you have any questions about that.


Ryota Hashimoto July 27, 2020

Hello Shannon,

Thank you for your suggestion.  Since another thread is not directly related to this topic indeed, I've confirmed the manual and both watching on that page and space are turned off.  I didn't follow anyone explicitly.  But still every edit makes notification.  That is weird. 


Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 28, 2020


If you're not the original author of the page, and truly not subscribed to the parent/space or the page itself, you'll want to consult with your site admin.

On our end, we can have a look at the email and the logs in order to know why the notification is still going out. You will need to have your site admin raise another ticket for that too.

Let me know if you're still having trouble having that done!


Ryota Hashimoto July 28, 2020


Thank you for the supplemental information.

I just noticed I am the original author (even it's done by add-on).  In that case I can't stop the notification if the other editors want to notify me.  Is that correct? 


Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 29, 2020

Hello Ryota,

You will still be able to stop watching the page, but if you have the Autowatch setting turned on, then it will automatically have you watch pages that you create, edit, or comment on. I would recommend disabling that if you don't want that to happen.

I tested to confirm that I was able to stop watching a page that I created. While I didn't receive notifications about the page change, I did still receive notifications about tasks being removed. So the type of notification you're getting might be a hint as to what is triggering it.

If you still have trouble, and you're the Space Admin, you can use Manage Watchers and determine where you might be watching the page or space. If you still have trouble, I would recommend creating a support ticket for that, so we can have a look for you.

Take care,


Ryota Hashimoto July 29, 2020

Hi Shannon,

I might be misunderstood, may I ask two:

  • The Autowatch only be effective on initial creation of the page (or if I edit or comment to that page).  After the page was created, I can just stop watching.  The watching configuration never be flapped during the page updates by anyone if I do nothing on that page.  Is that correct? 

  • A specific page has irregurar behavior.  While I've stopped watching it, still receive notification on top-right icon (and Email also) when someone updated it, which does NOT contain tasks and I never edit or comment (I just created it). 

    Please find following screenshots of that page.  On Manage watchers window, multiple Page watchers there except me, and no Space watcher there. 

    If this is actual issue I would file a support ticket.  

Screen Shot 0002-07-30 at 8.39.52 AM.pngScreen Shot 0002-07-30 at 8.41.46 AM.png


Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 31, 2020

Hi Ryota,

The Autowatch behavior will assign you as a watcher of any page or blog post that you create or edit. So, if you create a page, stop watching it, and then edit it again later, there's a possibility that it might be adding you as a watcher again. For that reason, you may need to disable the Autowatch setting.

From your screenshot, I can see that you're not watching the page specifically. Could you show me what the Space tab looks like on the Manage Watchers page? Are you not listed there?

If not, then I agree the behavior is a bit odd. We'll need to have a look at your Cloud site. That requires you to report this issue to your site admin so they can raise a support ticket and approve access to the site.

Take care,


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