My service desk customers connected to public Confluence KB consume Confluence licence

Kemal Bajramovic October 29, 2015

I have a problem with service desk customers consuming Confluence licence. This is a set-up:

  1. I have a Service Desk add-on (v.2.5.9) on JIRA Server (v.6.4.12) and Confluence Server (v.5.7.1) using JIRA Server user directory.
  2. I have a service desk project connected to a public Confluence knowledge base ( with anonymous access allowed and service desk customers self-registration.


When a service desk customer register at the Customer portal, it's automatically added as a Confluence user consuming a licence. This user can't log-in to Confluence receiving a message (Not Permitted - You are not permitted to perform this operation.) but nevertheless I loose a licence which eventually leads legitimate users to not being able to create new articles in Confluence.


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January 29, 2016

I have this exact same problem as well. Any new service desk user invited consumes a confluence license when I use the JIRA directory for the user base in confluence.

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