Max Bullet Depth

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April 7, 2020

It there a way to have more than 6 levels of bullets or numbered lists?

When creating a bullet list (in a BLANK page template) I can only have 6 levels of indentation. (see screenshot)

confluence bullets.png

Oddly, in THIS box, I can have more than 6 levels

  • 1
    • 2
      • 3
        • 4
          • 5
            • 6
              • 7
                • 8
                  • 9
                    • 10
                      • 11
                        • 12

So can the regular BLANK page template be upgraded to have more than 6 levels?

3 answers

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Allison Hunter
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April 29, 2024

This needs to be promoted to a feature request. It's bizarre that you can use the workaround to created any number of tiers, but you can't do it with the natural keyboard strokes. 

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Nathan Summers
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September 15, 2022

I've found a reasonable work around.

Make a bulleted list of two levels, eg

  • L1
    • L2

Copy that two-line list, and paste it at the place you cant indent further from, and edit the text.   With that I can go to any depth bulleted list, no more limited to that artificial 6-deep limitation.

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Fabian Lim
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October 3, 2021
Nathan Summers
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September 14, 2022

I don't see any solutions on that link, I only saw some work-arounds to indenting more than 1 indent at a time.

I'd like to push for this bullet-list-depth limitation to be removed from the wysiwyg editor.  I cant imagine what the reason is for limiting it to a depth of 6.

Mark Peterson June 25, 2024

Need more than 6 bullet point depth, please fix, how do we submit this as a bug or feature request?

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