Lager- und Bestellverwaltung mit Datenbanken

René Sodemann
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January 11, 2025

Liebe Community, 

ich möchte gern eine Datenbank zur Lager- und Bestellverwaltung in Confluence anlegen, wo sich der Bestand automatisch nach den eingetragenen Bestellungen und Wareneingängen aktualisiert.

WIe kann ich dies am besten umsetzen?

Danke für eure Hilfe

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Tomislav Tobijas _Koios_
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January 12, 2025

Hi @René Sodemann ,

Hope you don't mind me switching to English (German is not a stronger suit).

From my experience, Confluence Databases are a bit limited for these use cases and that's why for standard inventory management, Jira Service Management Assets are typically implemented.

Although, it would be good to know the actual flow of one inventory item - from initial order, to handing it over to a end-user/customer, or for cases when the maintenance is needed. For example, are you using some third-party tool for requesting inventory items? 👀

There's a similar question/discussion related to database templates, for users to get started easier and get some ideas. Hopefully that will be developed soon.

Again, all inventory management we implemented was through Assets, so I don't have any practical example for Confluence Databases. 🤔


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