JIRA Issues Macro not parsing JQL queries from wiki markup

Michael Montanye
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March 18, 2024

I'm trying to programmatically generate a Confluence page that includes the list of JIRA issues tagged with a specific fixVersion using the jiraissues macro and a JQL query.

The wiki markup I'm using is {jiraissues:columns=[list of columns]|url=https://[server url]/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-xml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?jqlQuery="project+in+%28PROJA%2CPROJB%29+AND+fixVersion%3D%22[fix version]%22}

Using this code generates a table with "No issues found", but if I go to edit the page, double-click the macro, the search query is correctly populated into the search box, and I can just click the Insert button and the table will correctly be populated when I click the Update button on the page.

Is there any way to get the query to search and populate without having to go through the extra step of forcing each table to be rebuilt manually?

I did see this other question, but I'm not using the Epic column and my profile language is already EN-US.

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