I'm getting browser not supported, but it is not allowing me to choose a different one.

inHANCE Help
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October 20, 2020

I attempted to log in, it defaulted to Explorer 11, got browser not supported message, but it does not allow me to choose a new option. How do I resolve the "browser not supported" message? When I attempt to log in, now, it just displays that message.


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Atlassian Team
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October 21, 2020

Hello @inHANCE Help !

You are receiving this message because, recently, Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) stopped being supported by Atlassian applications.

You can check more details about it here:

For you to use another browser, you will need to install any of the supported browsers on your system if they are not already installed. Here is a list of the supported browsers:

If you are unable to install a new browser due to company policies and restrictions, you may need to contact your company system administrator.

There is also a chance that you currently already have another browser installed but the default one is Internet Explorer 11 still. Here is how you can change the default browser on Windows 10:

If you do not have enough permissions to do this in your system, you will also need to contact your company System Administrator.


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