How to grant Jira Service Desk users view, comment access to Questions for Confluence's space?

Enkhtaivan Ganbat August 13, 2018

We're using Jira Service Desk and Confluence, using Confluence as a knowledge base for Service Desk projects, now we're also trying to use Questions for Confluence so our service desk customers can ask/answer each other questions. Questions for Confluence created it's own space in Confluence during installation, but our service desk customers can't see this space due to lack of permission.

Questions for Confluence.png

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 15, 2018

Hi Enkhtaivan,

Permissions in Confluence Questions are governed by the Space Permissions.

Questions access is governed by Confluence space permissions. If someone has access to a space, they'll be able to view, ask, and interact with questions in that space.

Therefore, in order to use Questions then the users would need to have a Confluence license and access to the space.

Let me know if you have any questions about that.



Enkhtaivan Ganbat August 15, 2018

Hi Shannon,

It's possible to give unlicensed Jira service desk users access to a confluence space as described here:

I followed the above article to give unlicensed service desk users access to a knowledge base space. Now I'm trying to do the same thing with Questions for Confluence's space, but it seems impossible to link a service desk project with more than one confluence space.

Enkhtaivan Ganbat August 15, 2018

Ok, I just noticed that Questions for Confluence creates it's own default space, but also adds a menu item to other spaces called "Questions" under "Blog" and above "Space settings". Our service desk customers can access and read articles in the knowledge base space but can't access the above mentioned "Questions" menu. We were under the impression that we can use this feature to let customers ask questions about our system (We sell an ERP system and provide support) so that other more experienced users can answer their questions if they can, thus reducing our workload.

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 16, 2018


Jira Service Desk Customers are considered "Portal Only" users.

When you navigate to your list of Portal Only customers, it mentions the following:

Portal only customers can't access your site directly. They can only log in to your Jira Service Desk customer portals. 

Therefore, even if you were to connect the Questions Space to Jira Service Desk, they wouldn't be able to interact with it because they do not have a Confluence license and do not have direct access to the site.

There's currently no connection between Jira Service Desk and Confluence Questions, but there are a few feature requests you may find useful:

  • JSDCLOUD-35 Allow JIRA Service Desk to search Confluence Questions
  • JSDCLOUD-381 Allow a JSD ticket to be converted to a Confluence Question
  • JSDCLOUD-382 Create an 'Ask a Question in Confluence' experience in JSD

Please go ahead and vote on the requests that you find to be useful, and feel free to comment there with your usage case. You may also watch the tickets in order to be updated of any progress.



Enkhtaivan Ganbat August 16, 2018

Hi Shannon,

Thank you for the prompt reply.

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