How to get all the page details such as PageName,CreationDate and Last modified date using usermacro

Mrunal Kumar Lokku May 10, 2023

Need to display the page details in table format using user macro in confluence

2 answers

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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May 11, 2023

The general doc is here:

Note that when you work with user macro context objects, those are instances of the corresponding internal Java classes. Therefore, if you want to work with page objects, 


  1. Context objects in general:
  2. Javadoc of the AbstractPage class:
  3. Because AbstractPage is inherited from ContentEntityObject, you should look for the base properties here:

All in all, the page name and creation date can be accessed like this assuming that the object is "$page":



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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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May 11, 2023
Mrunal Kumar Lokku May 11, 2023

Hi Alex, 

I tried the following macro but this macro is page specific. So, can you please help me for modifying this macro in such a way that I can get all the page details?

## @Param Page:title=Page|type=confluence-content|required=true|desc=Choose Page to get the Information for
#set ( $colonIndex = $paramPage.indexOf(":") )
#if ( $colonIndex == -1 )
#set ( $spaceKey = $space.key )
#set ( $pageName = $paramPage )
#set ( $spaceKey = $paramPage.substring(0, $colonIndex) )
#set ( $pageNameIndex = $colonIndex + 1 )
#set ( $pageName = $paramPage.substring($pageNameIndex) )
#set ( $requestedPage = $pageManager.getPage($spaceKey, $pageName) )
<td>Page Name</td>
<td>Page Creator Name </td>
<td>Last Modified Date</td>
<td>Last Modifier </td>




Mrunal Kumar Lokku May 15, 2023


Can you please suggest the changes in the above macro for displaying all the pages details in confluence.



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